🔭 The SCOPE-NM Website

Accessibility is core to our mission. We believe that, no matter your background, you should have access to important educational and career opportunities in your community and beyond. SCOPE-NM demystifies what space is here on our website. It is the place for students and the general public to understand and explore the possibilities of space for educational, professional, and communal purposes.

🌟 SCOPE-NM Cohort

This Fall 2024, we are implementing our new cohort of Student Delegates to become space leaders in their communities! Students are paired with Mentors one-on-one for additional guidance on important education and career decisions.

Since 2022, Student Delegates have contributed to the SCOPE-NM site. Find the names of student contributors on each page. Learn more about our story.

📣 Seminars & Speaking Engagements

Are you a business owner, educator, or employee of a space company or organization? Are you passionate about space education, local issues, and job opportunities?

Seminars are a platform for you to present to our students and mentors. Seminars are one hour or less and must be relevant to our mission to qualify. See the form for details.

Alternatively, invite SCOPE-NM to speak at your organization! Submit your request and we will review it and get back to you.

Visit our Sponsors & Partners page for more ways to support us.