We are excited to present the opportunity to sponsor or partner with us as we cultivate a strong space economy in New Mexico and beyond!


Sponsorship Packet

Sponsors and community donations help us expand operations, maintain the website, and improve marketing campaigns to reach students in rural and other traditionally underrepresented areas.

Sponsorship Tiers

Sponsorship duration runs for two academic semesters and is renewable at the end of the second semester. (Example: Sponsorship that starts late May for the Summer semester can be renewed in January the following year at the start of the Spring semester.)

🔭 Tier 1: $200

📡 Tier 2: $500

🛰️ Tier 3: $1,000+

🚀 Event Sponsorship

Event sponsorships are activity-based, such as sending students to a conference or competition. If you have a suggestion for an event that you would like to sponsor us at, please fill out the Interest Form.

🌱 Community Donation ($20+)

Not part of an organization, but still want to help? Donate through Venmo! Suggested donations are $20. Thank you for your support!


SCOPE-NM seeks partnerships in the following key areas:

If you or someone you know may be a good fit, please fill out the Interest Form and we will review your inquiry soon.