A New Mexican's Guide to Space

The Land of Enchantment is full of surprises. Did you notice these in your backyard?

Contributors: Collin Nesbit (Student Delegate, 2022-2023), Giovanni Cordova (Student Delegate, 2022-2023)

Our mission at SCOPE-NM is to make space accessible to New Mexicans. Did you know about these space organizations in your community? The map below contains space organizations that are actively operating across New Mexico!

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Click on a dropdown below to browse more organizations with detailed descriptions!

🚀 Spaceport America

Spaceport America is the first commercial spaceport in the world. Their headquarters are based in New Mexico and include a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-licensed launch facility located near White Sands. Their mission is to develop the New Mexico and international space economy through industry partnership, commercial innovation, and education initiatives.

Predominantly, Spaceport America hosts the annual, flagship Spaceport America Cup. This prestigious competition places students from all over the world in competitive teams to design and launch rockets with altitude goals over ten- and thirty-thousand feet! The Spaceport America Cup is co-hosted with the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association and adopted from the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition.

The Spaceport America Cup will take place June 17-22, 2024. To participate and learn more, check their website during the spring semesters.

🧑🏽‍💼 Commercial Organizations

Association of Commercial Space Professionals [External Link]

Founded in 2023, the Association of Commercial Space Professionals is a non-profit that provides educational and professional development opportunities to remove commercial barriers in the space industry. Their certificate program is online and training bootcamps are hosted in Albuquerque, but they also have an archive of past events if you are unable to attend. Visit their newsletter or LinkedIn page to stay up-to-date on their activity.

New Space Nexus [External Link]

Founded in 2018, New Space Nexus (formerly New Space New Mexico) is a non-profit that supports businesses with conferences, workshops, and additional resources toward building a comprehensive space ecosystem. Supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory, they offer a free organizational membership, product development training, manufacturing workspace, and more. Their K-12 Pathways to the Stars program is launching soon.

Q Station [External Link]

Located in Albuquerque, Q Station is a collaborative working space for employees in the space industry. Their events and partnerships are designed to constellate a regional space ecosystem, starting here in New Mexico. General membership is free.

🧑🏽‍💻 Amateur Organizations

The Albuquerque Rocket Society [External Link]

The Albuquerque Rocket Society is a local organization dedicated to the sport of model rocketry and high power rocketry. They are connected to both the Tripoli Rocketry Association and National Association of Rocketry. With a dedicated launch site in the Rio Rancho area, the Society provides launch windows for model rockets and support for general rocketry interest. This is a great organization if you are interested in the sport of rocketry or are looking to learn more about rockets in general.

The Albuquerque Astronomical Society [External Link]

The Albuquerque Astronomical Society is comprised of amateur and professional astronomers. They host regular outreach and educational events, from star parties to telescope loan programs. Their goal is to make astronomy accessible and fun for everyone!

🏫 Museums

New Mexico Museum of Space History [External Link]

Located in Alamogordo, the New Mexico Museum of Space History contains rotating exhibits, tours, and programs for everyone! Their collections are especially well-suited for K-12 audiences. Their New Mexico Rocketeer Academy is a K-12 educational program hosted at the museum or brought to remote communities upon request. And did you know that New Mexico has 52 historic sites designated by space activity? Learn more about the New Mexico Space Trail here.

🔭 Easter Eggs

Coming soon! Featuring maps of key space-themed locations across New Mexico.