Mentors are key to successful educational and career decisions. If you have been positively impacted by mentorship in your life, we invite you to mentor our SCOPE-NM Student Delegates.

“Learning about the local space opportunities in NM was very helpful for establishing my future plans.” - 2023 SCOPE-NM Student Delegate

Mentors dedicate one hour per month to answer Student Delegate questions about important educational and professional career decisions. The program runs for one semester (4-5 months), but mentors may serve for two semesters or more.

Eligible mentors must have professional experience with the space sector. Titles include (but are not limited to): engineers, researchers, scientists, lawyers, business owners, non-profit directors, board members, civil servants, authors, journalists, technicians, administrators, K-12 teachers, consultants, analysts, etc.

🌶️ Why New Mexico?

New Mexican college students are more likely to be the first person in their family to attend college, of Hispanic or Indigenous heritage, and from low-income backgrounds. These statistics can improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEI&A) metrics as initiatives worldwide strive to include non-traditional role models in the growing space workforce.

New Mexico was the first state in the United States to legislate tuition-free college and improving local education and career retention rates is a top state priority. SCOPE-NM works to improve local accessibility and raise awareness of space solutions being built in our communities.

Learn more about our mission and thank you for your application!


1.) I am a professional in the space sector, but I am not from / affiliated with New Mexico. Can I still mentor?

Yes! While Student Delegates must be enrolled in an accredited New Mexico educational institution, mentors are only required to have professional affiliation with the space sector. Please note that preference will be given to candidates with New Mexico affiliation as our mission is to cultivate local talent retention for the state. However, because SCOPE-NM is a volunteer initiative, mentorship is based on availability and we encourage everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the lives of others to apply.

Please note that mentors must be available during daylight hours in Mountain Standard Time (UTC-7).

2.) Do you offer resources for K-12 students?

SCOPE-NM was initially designed for college students; however, there has been continued feedback about the needs of K-12 students and teachers across New Mexico. SCOPE-NM accepts Student Delegate applications from high school seniors in New Mexico that plan to attend a New Mexico college or university. Our site also collects a diversity of resources for prospective college students and K-12 teachers who want to learn more about space in New Mexico. If you are a K-12 teacher, you are eligible to become a mentor.

3.) At present, I do not have the capacity to mentor. Are there other ways to get involved?

SCOPE-NM accepts sponsors and partners to help maintain our site, expand programming, expand operations, and more. Visit the Sponsors & Partners page to view package options.

We also offer seminars for qualifying presentations and review requests to speak at your organization. Fill out a form below and we will get back to you.